<< x264HD Project Earth: Raining Forests (Discovery HD)
Project Earth: Raining Forests (Discovery HD)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/project-earth/lab-books/reforestation/reforestation-guide1.html
Sender Z
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Post Description

After hurricanes Katrina and Rita ripped through the the Gulf Coast, thousands of acres of mangrove forests were left bare. Scientist Mark Hodges believes he has devised a way to reforest these large areas of earth in a short amount of time.

In Raining Forests, Hodges will attempt to strategically drop tens of thousands of canisters filled with seedlings in an appropriate location. The task force will carry out a series of tests to determine which type of aircraft, delivery mechanism and canister design to use, as well as whether the seeds will be able to self-plant.

Spot Informatie:

REL.DATE......: 27/10-2010
SiZE..........: 1118 MB
DURATiON......: 44 Min 13 Sec
ViDEO.BiTRATE.: 3000 Kbps


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