<< WIN Clickteam - Install Creator Pro.v2.0.(2012)-tUsHeNGpEnG
Clickteam - Install Creator Pro.v2.0.(2012)-tUsHeNGpEnG
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 3.42 MB
Website http://www.clickteam.com/website/usa/installcreator.html
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

Makes creating installers for your games and applications quick and easy
Spend your time developing your creations not building the installers. Download the fully functional freeware version of Install Creator and create your first installation in less than one minute!
Then you decide which way is better!

Install Creator Pro
A version specially designed for professional use, and especially for people who write shareware and make register-able demo versions.
Its basically the same interface as the regular version, with the possibility of having several versions of the software in the installer, for example one version for unregistered users, and one version for registered users, with the possibility to protect a version with registration codes and other nice features.

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