<< DTS The Complete Elvis Presley Masters-Audio Only DTS DVD part2
The Complete Elvis Presley Masters-Audio Only DTS DVD part2
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 4.3 GB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=ELVIS-M2&age=&max=25&minage=&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&dq=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&more=1
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Artist : Elvis Presley
Title : The Complete Elvis Presley Masters Part 2
Type : 3 x Audio Only DTS DVD
Conversion methods : 225WAD, 225WADMIRA, DTS Neural Upmix VST

EOH Comment :

It didn't get easier !
I hoped that because of the chronological order, the mixes would get better
and so the masters and of course the conversions to surround.
And they do ! But in between songs are some recordings that are not optimal.
For this 10 CD's I used 225WADMIRA, 225WAD and the DTS Neural Upmix VST,
which is IMHO a very underrated tool !
The result of the upmixing is again based as much on the most important part
of this music : The voice of Elvis. Ambisonics and Neural do a very good job
on his voice, but there are a few songs where there is some bleeding of the voice
in the left or right surround. I tried to avoid this as much as possible, but
couldn't succeed in all songs.
Overall this is again a must have for every Elvis fan who owns a 5.1 set.
The sound is crystal clear, there is some good separation and the soundfield
is excellent.

Some details :

cd 11 : 225WADMIRA and Neural is used. One song has the voice from the center and
the left surround
cd 12 : Same methods used. A few songs had a hiss ! Corrected with Audition. And
again a few songs with bleeding of the voice in the rears.
cd 13 : Completely done with 225WADMIRA
cd 14+ 15 : ,, ,, ,,
cd 16 : A surprise to hear suddenly 3 mono songs again ! These are done with 225WAD.
I have doubts about song 15. It seems to me that it is not correctly ripped to
lossless. It's only about 35 seconds and stops in the midlle of the singing.
I searched for other versions or a site with the times of the songs, but couldn't
find additional information, so I just faded it out.
cd 17 : 2 songs done with Neural, rest with 225WADMIRA
cd18-20 : All songs upmixed with 225WADMIRA

225WAD and 225WADMIRA are explained on www.dtsac3.com
DTS Neural Upmix VST is commercial software.

http://www.completeelvis.com for a list with all the songs.
The third DVD will follow ASAP but can take a few weeks !

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