Post Description
Code black Se.1afl.15
"Diagnoses of exclusion"
In the aftermath of Gina's death, the doctors are questioned. Gordon had been at the hospital at least 17 times under different aliases and frequently asking for Malaya. Once Gina had been attacked, he followed Malaya to the elevator. She lies to him and takes another floor, but he continues to follow her. He asks her out, but she tells him that she is gay. Angry, he attacks her by slitting her and attempts to rape her. Angus arrives on time and pushes Gordon to the ground. He tells her to go to the ER. During Angus' fight with Gordon, Gordon accidentally stabs a knife into his neck. Angus, who had lied to human resources, heard Gordon telling him that he intended to kill Malaya and Angus lets him to bleed out, ultimately killing him when complications rose. At center stage, while all three were being treated, Gina is pronounced dead when surgery was no longer an option to save her and everyone mourns her death. Meanwhile, Leanne is given Gina's job and Neal is put on probation for surgery. Neal and Christa announce their relationship to human resources.
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