<< WIN FS2004 Vancouver
FS2004 Vancouver
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://secure.simmarket.com/fsaddon-vancouver_v-1.1-part1-for-fs2004.phtml
Sender mramsterdam
Tag fs2004        
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Post Description

DEVELOPERS: Jon Patch/Holger Sandmann
With Vancouver+ Part 1 brings you yet another immersive FSAddon product, that will provide you with many hours fun of flying and discovering! If you have purchased and used Misty Fjords, you will know what we mean. But&#133;&#133; when you thought Misty Fjords was awesome (which it is), then hold the arms of your chair after loading up Vancouver+. You&#146;ll be stunned, astounded and awed! Of course we exaggerate; after all, we have to live off selling you this. But we am only mildly exaggerating!!
This is Part 1, bringing you the City of Vancouver, the entire landscape north and east of it for hundreds of kilometers, Pitt Meadows airfield in great detail, dozens of customized airfields and seaplane bases, hundreds of bridges, the railways, roads&#133;. THE LOT.
(And Part 2 will bring you the much-desired Vancouver International Airport&#133;. which will be made by Bill Womack and Jon Patch. Planned for 'somewhere' in 2007).
Vancouver+ has been made by Jon Patch, the author of many high quality freeware titles such as Victoria Harbor/Ogden Point, and Holger Sandmann, well-known for his many freeware landscapes and the author of Misty Fjords! They had assistance of a whole bunch of helpful people to make this THE most complete scenery title we have published yet!

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