<< DivX Qi s09e03 hdtv xvid-ftp nfo
Qi s09e03 hdtv xvid-ftp nfo
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 251.61 MB
Website http://www.tvrage.com/QI
Sender SciFiFreak (27JCtA)                
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Post Description

If you've heard of QI, the chances are that you've heard of the BBC2 comedy panel quiz of the same name, hosted by Stephen Fry. Unlike any other quiz show you will have failed to avoid catching, QI's questions are impossible to answer, but at least the guest panel of top-shelf comedians can laugh at themselves (and the universe in general) while trying.

At its core, it enshrines the original view of Lord Reith that the BBC should 'educate, inform and entertain', all three of which duties are carried out to the great enjoyment of panel and audience alike.

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