<< NDS 5022 - Flips: Mr Gum (EU)
5022 - Flips: Mr Gum (EU)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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5022 - Flips: Mr Gum (EU)
Taal: English
Volgens NDS game release list (GBAtemp).
(game + cover)

Rar-bestanden: 1
Par-bestanden 6 (= 100% ; indien Rar beschadigd of zelfs geheel afwezig, Rar dus volledig aan te maken / te repareren)

You probably haven"t heard of Mr Gum but your kids, nieces/nephews and cousins will have. The Mr Gum series of books are aimed at younger readers, namely the 8-10 age group. They"re a fun series of books about the grumpy Mr Gum and his town of Lamonic Bibber. Each story offers plenty of jokes and laughs to keep kids entertained. They"re the sort of thing that I"d have loved as a kid who was obsessed with the Ha Ha Bonk joke book. Mr Gum is also the star of one of the latest Flips interactive books and deservedly so.

Flips: Mr Gum, much like previous instalments, offers a substantial package in the form of six books as well as bonus content and some interactive elements too. Each book is laid out appropriately with a variety of illustrations and sound effects to keep readers interested. It"s simple to navigate with the stylus working well to move from page to page. You hold the DS sideways, like a book, and there"s always the option to move with the control pad or to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to change pages. Scattered throughout each tale are a variety of sound effects that are clickable as well as items to acquire. It"s a small touch but it keeps readers actively engaging with the content which is vital for those easily distracted.

As added impetus to read each tale, once all the items and sound effects in a story have been collected, players can put the items into the messy room. This room enables players to unlock a volume of the Lamonical Chronicle, the local newspaper, thus offering more stories to read through. It"s a nice element to encourage young readers to carry on although hopefully the entertaining, quirky nature of the tales will make them want to finish without the additional game elements. As is the case with the other Flips titles, players can share chapters with other players via the DS Wi-Fi functionality. A useful feature as I know my cousins are always desperate to show their friends new games. Communal reading has to be a good way of keeping kids interested.

Flips: Mr Gum is a simple game and, in many ways, hardly a game at all. It"s more a series of e-books with some basic game elements but it works well. Besides the obvious benefits of not having to carry half a dozen books around it makes reading that bit more exciting for kids. In a world where parents have to spend so much time trying to limit their children"s time on game systems in favour of more educational hobbies, this is the perfect compromise.

Ik spot (alleen EU en US games) voor mijn plezier. Laat even een berichtje achter wanneer je iets meeneemt. Kudo"s zijn voor mij een grote stimulans om door te gaan.

TIP: Doet de game het niet of heb je problemen met de game en/of je kaartje:
Misschien je kaartje updaten of kijk even op linfoxdomain, dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl en/of flashkaart.info en/of NDSS.nl

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