<< 360 Deathspank-Thongs Of Virteu *XBLA*
Deathspank-Thongs Of Virteu *XBLA*
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=Deathspank-Thongs+Of+Virteu+*XBLA*
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Post Description

Join DeathSpank, in his all new adventure! Fight through war-   torn battlefields, tame the violent High Plains and sail your pirate ship through the savage seas. DeathSpank will vanquis all-new evils, help all-new downtrodden, and dispense justice as only he can. Wield exciting new weapons, slay unbelievable 
new creatures and get to the bottom of the Thongs of Virtue.The downtrodden cry for justice and DeathSpank will save them or kill them trying. This prouduct supports the following languages: In-game speech: English; On-Screen text: English

***Releasedatum 9-2010***


***Spot, dus geen ondersteuning***

***Met dank aan de originele poster(s)***

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