<< NDS 2622 - Dinosaur King (EU)
2622 - Dinosaur King (EU)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=DS-ROM+2622+-+Dinosaur+King+%28EU%29
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Post Description

2622 - Dinosaur King (EU)
Taal: Engels
Genre: Strategie / Simulatie
Volgens NDS game release list (Romulation en GBAtemp).
(game + cover)

Rar-bestanden: 1
Par-bestanden: 10 (= 100% ; indien Rar beschadigd of zelfs geheel afwezig, Rar dus volledig aan te maken / te repareren)

Een spot op verzoek.

Fight to see who's king of the prehistoric beasts in this game based on the Dinosaur King cartoon. When a dinosaur revival machine is built, Max and Rex are psyched! They can use it to learn all kinds of prehistoric info. But then the machine is stolen by an evil group of scientists who want to bring dinos to life and take over the world. It's up to Rex and Max to stop them in this dino-battling strategy RPG. The simple battle system is based on rock-paper-scissors. Win and you get to attack. Use your fossil-finding radar to discover fossils, bring them to life, and train them to fight using special attacks!

Wij spotten voor ons plezier. Laat even een berichtje achter wanneer je iets meeneemt. Kudo's zijn voor ons een grote stimulans om door te gaan.

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