<< DivX Flight of the Elephants (National Geographic)
Flight of the Elephants (National Geographic)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=Flight+of+the+Elephants+%28National+Geographic%29
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Post Description

Filmed over a period of two years, FLIGHT OF THE ELEPHANTS is the incredible account of eight Asian elephants as they journey from rural Thailand to their new homes in Australia"s Sydney and Melbourne Zoos. The documentary chronicles the elephants" long trek to the zoos - a trip plagued with court battles, protests, plane trips, and months of quarantine - and examines the complex problems the endangered Asiatic elephants face in today"s world. FLIGHT OF THE ELEPHANTS explores the lengthy and complex process needed to bring the elephants to Australia. As the elephants are prepared for the trip, an army of workers, veterinarians, court officials, politicians, keepers, scientists, horticulturists, cargo experts and countless others became involved.

Source: Nat Geo Wild
Size: 350MB
Resolution: 640x352
Format: XviD
Audio: 128~ kbps VBR MP3

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