<< Android ISyncr for PC v3.0.0
ISyncr for PC v3.0.0
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 1.96 MB
Website https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jrtstudio.iSyncr&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5qcnRzdHVkaW8uaVN5bmNyIl0.
Sender Coolhof (4KrNNw)                
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Post Description

Sync iTunes playlists, rate music and build playlists directly from your device.

iTunes for Windows required. Mac version also available in the Market.

Want to stop carrying both your phone and your iPod? Keep your music fresh with smart playlists? iSyncr enables you to quickly sync your Android device with the music you have in iTunes using a simple to use interface. Just plug your phone into your computer, select the iTunes playlists you want, and start syncing. No need to move your music into a new music management software. iSyncr works directly with iTunes so you can sync hassle-free.

Go beyond just music syncing with these additional features:
. Work directly with your existing iTunes playlists and libraries for fast setup
. Create smart playlists on your phone using the new Live Lists feature in your favorite music player
. Include album art with your music to enjoy on your phone
. Sync your ratings, play counts, skip counts, last played date, and last skipped date between iTunes and your phone to keep your smart playlists up to date
. Sync your MP3 downloads on your phone back to your iTunes library (**Note: Not yet supported on Android 3.0)
. Sync your video and podcasts for a complete iPod replacement
. Sync Android playlists back to your computer
. Wirelessly sync your music to your phone with the optional iSyncr WiFi Add-on

Note: This app will not sync copy protected music or videos but will alert you to which songs will not be synced to your device.

Remove the need to plug in for syncing with the optional iSyncr WiFi Add-On for $0.99. Music can be updated automatically or manually over your home WiFi network. Just search iSyncr WiFi in the Android Market.

For information on how to get started and to learn about more features and options for using iSyncr to sync your music visit www.jrtstudio.com.

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