<< WIN Battlefield 2 - Project Reality v0.95
Battlefield 2 - Project Reality v0.95
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://realitymod.com/forum/f196-pr-highlights/88565-changelog-project-reality-v0-95-features-list.html
Sender Bombvis
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Project Reality v0.95 Features

Added new faction: German Forces (GER).
Added new kit geometries for: British, Taliban, Hamas, Militia, Insurgents and USMC.

Added Burning Sands (4km) (MEC vs GBR) (AAS, Skirmish).
Added Iron Eagle (4km) (MEC vs IDF) (AAS, Skirmish).
Added Kokan (2km) (TAL vs USA) (Insurgency, Skirmish).
Added Wanda Shan (4km) (PLA vs RUS) (AAS, Skirmish).
Updated Silent Eagle (GER vs RUS) (AAS, Skirmish, CnC, Vehicle Warfare).
Updated Lashkar Valley (TAL vs GER) (Insurgency, Skirmish, Coop).
Updated several other maps with some layout changes.

Voor de rest van de vele features, wijs ik jullie graag door naar de weblink.

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