<< MP3 Hardbass Chapter 9
Hardbass Chapter 9
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Tracklist of this Mix:

* Disc: 1 - Mixed by Bass-Tvs. Rocco
* 01. Bass-T Vs. Rocco - Hardbass Chapter 9 Intro
* 02. Jowan - Faceplant
* 03. Showtek - The Colour of the Harder Styles (Defqon 1 Anthem 2006)
* 04. Bass-T - Check it
* 05. DJ Gius - V Like Venusian
* 06. Pimp! Code - We Are the Best
* 07. Zatox - Tank Elektrik
* 08. Rumble! - Can You Feel it
* 09. Pulsedriver - Whistle Trip
* 10. Raf Enjoy - Discoteque
* 11. The Hitmen - Energy is You
* 12. Automatic DJZ - Mad Lay Number Three
* 13. Next Generation - United Force
* 14. Bass-T & Sven-R-G - Kinetic Dimension
* 15. Beatrix Delgado & DJ Klubbingman - Ride on A Love Train
* 16. 2 Vibez - Move Alone
* 17. Lacuna - Celebrate the Summer 2006
* 18. The Kgb's - Infinity
* 19. Bangboy Vs. Hansebanger - Kiezstyle
* 20. Tom Mountain & Ozi - Dreams (Will Come Alive)
* 21. The Juvenile - Rhyme Playa
* 22. Slide One - Adagio for Strings 2006
* 23. Club Scene Investigators - Direct Dizko
* 24. Kamui - Victory
* 25. DJ Stardust - Braindance
* 26. Punk Freaks - Springbreak Fever
* 27. Airbeat One Project - Airbeat One 2006
* 28. Savon - Behind the Sun 2006

* Disc: 2 - Mixed by Ruthless & Vorwerk
* 01. Jeckyll & Hyde - Frozen Flame
* 02. Bad Boyz - Play that Vibe
* 03. Low Driver - Baglady
* 04. LNY-TNZ & R&V - Big Ol'booty
* 05. M.C. Hughie Babe & Lady Sin - Kill the Bitch
* 06. Mikado Punchers - Beat Bangs
* 07. Alex Gimenez & DJ David Max - No Voice
* 08. Gang from Lav - Metamorphose
* 09. DJ Ruthless Vs. GJ Warez - Technobells
* 10. DJ Ruthless - Knock Out
* 11. DJ Stardust - Braindance
* 12. Twisted Maniacs - Pennywise
* 13. Scott Marten & D-Tune - Loud & Horny
* 14. The Real Booty Babes - Meet Her at the Loveparade
* 15. Langenhagen - Hamburg Süd
* 16. Tunnel Allstars Feat. DJ Yanny - Captain Future
* 17. Frank Raven - Friends
* 18. Partyrausch - Keep There
* 19. DJ Bomba & DJ Pikko - House
* 20. Tunnel of Love - Seven Days and One Week
* 21. A*S*Y*S* - Acid Nightmare
* 22. DJ Sequence - Don't You Want Me
* 23. DJ Neo - Vampires
* 24. DJ C-Bass & DJ Merlin - No Alternative
* 25. Lars Palmas - Gang Bang Society 2006
* 26. Dutch Masters - 2 the Dance

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