<< WIN Udemy Mobile Video and Audio Production For Freelancers
Udemy Mobile Video and Audio Production For Freelancers
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 6 months
Size 1.71 GB
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Website http://bit.ly/2cKERWC
Sender CaptainSalvo (rYgT7Q)                
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Post Description

Mobile Video and Audio Production is a course for freelancers, digital nomads, photographers or beginners that need to produce high quality video AND audio without expensive and heavy gear. Audio is an important part of the your videos production quality especially for training or sales videos, or interviews. Any videos that require talking.

The knowledge in this course will allow you to create videos for online courses, corporate interviews, training videos, podcasts, and videos for youtube. We don't need to carry bulky camera's, heavy sound equipment, or require a large camera crew to produce these videos.

You will learn about different camera's available from smartphone to professional video camera's and techniques to improve your video regardless of camera. You know that you are likely a one or two person screw. You will learn how to film yourself in focus with just one person.

You will learn to improve your audio using a variety of different audio recording devices from USB mics, shot gun mics, lavaliers, and versatile field recorders like the Zoom H5.

The skills taught in this course can be used for a videographer, freelancer, Youtuber, online trainer, small business owner to produce high quality video and audio. Your minimal setup will give you freedom to travel or stay mobile while still creative high quality videos.
What are the requirements?

The goal of this course is to improve your audio and video without a lot of heavy gear

What am I going to get from this course?

Assemble their first travel friendly video gear kit
Know how to operate an H5 Zoom field recorder
Know the basics of operating audio gear like a lav mic, shotgun mic, usb mic, and Zoom H5 field recorder
How to improve the lighting for their videos
Set up good video shots with a smartphone and SLR camera
Learn fundamentals for shooting good video for all camera

What is the target audience?

photographers that want to learn video
online teachers looking to improve production value
freelance videographers that want location freedom
Videographers looking to improve the sound on their videos


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