<< NDS 4350 - Hero's Saga: Laevatein Tactics (U)
4350 - Hero's Saga: Laevatein Tactics (U)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 5 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl
Sender zon_jeroen
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Post Description

The  Story  So Far...When a strange girl hands Ernesto, the young prince   of  Valencia,  a mysterious sword and tells him to save his friends, he   thinks  nothing  of  using  the  magical  blade  to fight off an undead   attack.  Little  does he know that such a small choice will spark a war   that  will  rage  across the ontinent of Yulamecca and beyond..."Hero's   Saga Laevatein Tactics really brings back the spirit of SRPGs of old,"   said  Frank  "Bo"  eWindt  II,  Project  Lead,  Aksys  Games. "You can   definitely  see  bits  and  pieces  of many SRPGs, like Ogre Battle and   Tactics Ogre, lending their influence to help inspire a stellar game."

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