<< DVD5 Battle for Warsaw (2 in 1)
Battle for Warsaw (2 in 1)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Twee korte docu's op 1 DVD5:

Battle for Warsaw (ca. 45 min.):
The story of Warsaw has been ignored for decades. It was hardly mentioned at the War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg, despite the colossal casualty figures and documented atrocities committed by the SS during its course.
Perhaps this is because none of the allies were comfortable with its legacy. The Western allies, having gone to war over Poland, left its people at the mercy of a new occupying force.
There were two uprisings in Warsaw during World War Two and they are often confused. The first happened in the Warsaw Ghetto in the spring of 1943 when hundreds of Jewish fighters ferociously fought the German army in a desperate attempt to stop the mass deportation of Polish Jews to the extermination camps.

Betrayal - Battle for Warsaw (ca. 45 min.):
The Warsaw Rising of August 1, 1944 was one of the most desperate and tragic battles in modern warfare. Waged by an ill-equipped but heroic insurgent army against the mighty German war machine, the bloody 63-day battle ultimately led to the total destruction of Warsaw, Poland's ancient capital city and to the death of over 250,000 Polish civilians and soldiers. It was a battle that could have changed world history. If the Poles had won, they and the whole of Eastern Europe might have escaped Soviet domination for the next 45 years. Yet, even as the fighting raged in the heart of their beloved city, the Poles were callously betrayed; not by their enemies; but by their allies.

Taal Engels, NIET ondertiteld.
Voor de verzamelaar.

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