<< WIN Synthblitz Audio – Bundle – SymLink Installer
Synthblitz Audio – Bundle – SymLink Installer
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 4 months
Size 17.95 MB
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Post Description

VA RAXS is a rack designed for mastering and remastering any sound materials.
This virtual stand consists of 9 effects, and sound passes through them in the following order:
* Pre-amplifier with gain control, advanced functions for low and high frequencies in combination with a mid-side processor that can separate the incoming signal.
* 16 + 16-band equalizer with adjustable “Q”
* The crossover module is 6 dB / octave, with an “ideal transient” filter that passes both amplitude and phase without changes in the range of interest. It has separate tone controls – / + 12 dB and other functions, such as two types of noise reduction. esser, dc bias and more.
* Stereo field processor with bandwidth control
* A compressor with a small compression ratio, useful for mastering, but also able to work with large compression ratios. The compressor has “knee” control, make-up gain and a high-precision vu meter, which makes it possible to read the dB reduction.
* Multiband compressor
* LFE module for Sub (surround + subwoofer) with internal compressor
* Reverb with bandwidth and other advanced controls
* A limiter designed to produce good quality sound and fast enough to provide good RMS output.
* DB module processor checks dBfs and RMS for each module and output
When properly tuned, the VA RAXS delivers truly high-quality sound at low cost. It can also be used to remaster old recordings of audio tapes and other audio material.

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