<< DivX Whose Line Is It Anyway? VS versie, seizoen 8
Whose Line Is It Anyway? VS versie, seizoen 8
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://imdb.com/title/tt0163507/
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Whose Line Is It Anyway? (1998-2006) is based on the British show of the same name, which aired from 1988 to 1998. It features some of the nation"s finest improvisational comedians, including Florida"s Wayne Brady, Canada"s Colin Mochrie, and Ryan Stiles and Drew Carey from The Drew Carey Show.&#133; More Each week, the preceding four and a rotating group of actors and actresses spontaneously played games with outrageous scenes, weird quirks, or (sometimes off-) key songs Show History: The show was brought to ABC as a summer series following The Drew Carey Show, and was a modest success, both in new viewers, existing ABC viewers, and Whosers, fans of the British version of the show which aired on the British Channel 4 and, for a time in America, on Comedy Central. The show came back in midseason 1998-99, then was given an hour time slot on Thursday nights for the 1999-2000 season. In this timeslot, while never becoming a resounding success, it did about as well as could be expected against NBC"s Must-See TV lineup. Its highest ratings were in November 2000, in "Show No. 313," which featured Oscar winner Robin Williams. In 2002, the show"s ratings began to slip drastically (in large part to facing both Survivor and Friends on Thursday nights). In September of 2002, the show was moved to Monday nights along with The Drew Carey Show, then to Fridays, then off the air, then back on Fridays during the summer of 2003, before being left for dead after that summer. With no word as to what the fate of the show was, fans were left in the dark until summer 2004, when ABC fulfilled its contract with the show by burning off several remaining episodes as part of a sixth "season." That"s was not the end of the "Whose Line" franchise (because no one can kill it). After ABC saw how well the repeats were performing on ABC Family, they asked the producers to cut new "episodes" out of unused footage from the tapings. These were aired on ABC Family as part of the show"s seventh "season."

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