<< MP3 Nihan - Baska Biri (2008)
Nihan - Baska Biri (2008)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=znq3-112206-Nhn-Babi%282008%29
Sender zero1infinity
Tag Turks        
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Post Description

Artist  : Nihan
Album : Baska Biri
Released: 2008
Country : Turkey
Language: Türkçe
Genre : Pop
Quality : 128kbps

1. Sizlanma
2. Beni Hiç Unutamazsin
3. Kalp Sözü
4. 2. El Ask
5. Baska Biri
6. Ask Manolyasi
7. Kendimi Taniyorum
8. Buz
9. Kapini Her An Çalabilirim
10. Maskeli Yüzler
11. Çare Yok
12. Damarimda Kanimsin
13. Buzz Remix

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