<< ePub Schiffer - WW II Troop Type Parachutes - Axis.
Schiffer - WW II Troop Type Parachutes - Axis.
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://amazon.com/World-Troop-Type-Parachutes-Axis/dp/0764311107
Sender GerPC
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Schiffer - WW II Troop Type Parachutes - Axis.

1 pdf, 66 MB.

World War II Troop Type Parachutes is uniquely suited for anyone interested in the history of airborne troops, and is profusely illustrated with unpublished period and contemporary photographs. Collectors, modelers and history researchers will be able to identify all of the troop parachutes used by the Axis powers in World War II. Additionally technical data, drawings and packing instructions are included for those who own or find a vintage parachute. The narrative describes the developmental history of the equipment and employment technique. Incidentals such as aircraft, tactical use, uniforms and even insignia are mentioned if they alter or refute what has previously been accepted as fact. This initial volume is devoted to the three Axis nations that formed paratroop units: Germany, Italy and Japan. A future volume will cover the Allied countries: Russia (USSR), France, Poland, Britain and the U.S. The chapters in each volume are arranged in the approximate chronological order of development.

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