<< MP3 Neil Young - Touch the Sky: The Broadcast Rarities (2020)
Neil Young - Touch the Sky: The Broadcast Rarities (2020)
Category Sound
Date 4 years, 3 months
Size 247.13 MB
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SUPERB SELECTION OF LIVE RARITIES FROM NEIL YOUNG While few would question the brilliance of most of Neil Young s studio recordings, it would surely be a similar sized group who believe that the way to hear Young in his rawest, most primitive and altogether finest setting, is to witness the man in live concert. The new CD contains twenty such live recordings and studio rehearsals, all made for FM Radio Broadcasts between 1967 and 1984, and all rare cuts which Neil would only rarely play in concert, and which remain some of the more obscure tracks from his catalogue. With recording details provided for each track and excellent audio quality throughout, this CD is sure to become a live favourite among Neil Young albums and this compilation will prove a delight for fans of this maverick composer, performer and musician.


01. Neil Young - Flying On The Ground Is Wrong [05:25]
02. Neil Young - Mr. Soul [02:36]
03. Neil Young - I've Been Waiting For You [02:28]
04. Neil Young - Oh Lonesome Me [03:55]
05. Neil Young - I Believe in You [03:19]
06. Neil Young - Mr. Soul [05:08]
07. Neil Young - Everybody's Alone [02:28]
08. Neil Young - Dance Dance Dance [01:32]
09. Neil Young - Wondering [06:53]
10. Neil Young - Sugar Mountain [04:17]
11. Neil Young - Bad Fog of Loneliness [01:54]
12. Neil Young - Country Home [03:27]
13. Neil Young - Don't Say You Win, Don't Say You Lose [02:28]
14. Neil Young - Shots [05:03]
15. Neil Young - Barstool Blues [04:19]
16. Neil Young - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere [02:12]
17. Neil Young - World On A String [02:32]
18. Neil Young - Home Fires [02:39]
19. Neil Young - Too Far Gone [02:51]
20. Neil Young - The Losing End [04:10]

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