<< DivX Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: The Story of Everything
Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: The Story of Everything
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://tvrage.com/shows/id-25350
Sender Dutch Supervisor
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Discovery Channel has commissioned Darlow Smithson Productions (DSP), an IMG Media Company, to produce an ambitious three-part documentary series, revealing the wonders of the cosmos to a new generation. STEPHEN HAWKING"S UNIVERSE will air on Discovery Channel worldwide. A collaboration with Hawking, it will delve into the mind of the world"s most famous living scientist and reveal the splendor and majesty of the universe as never seen before. The series, which will use a combination of CGI, live action, archive and visual effects, will bring the world-renowned Hawking"s extraordinary vision of the universe to the screen in high definition.

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