<< DVD5 The Village - Seizoen.1 - Dvd.2 (NLsub) SeasonsFinal
The Village - Seizoen.1 - Dvd.2 (NLsub) SeasonsFinal
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LanguageDutch subtitles (available)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 4.02 GB
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2394340/
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The Village - Seizoen.1 - Dvd.2 (NLsub) SeasonsFinal

Seizoen.1 bestaat uit 6 episodes.
Pure armoede. Zo kenmerkt zich de jeugd van Bert Middleton, gespeeld door de jonge acteur Bill Jones. Aan het begin van de 20e eeuw, in 1914 om precies te zien, is het plattelandsleven in Derbyshire geen vetpot voor het gezin Middleton. De familie bestaat verder uit Berts oudere broer Joe, diens moeder Grace en vader John.

Vandaar dat Bert zijn jonge jaren vooral doorbrengt in de schoolbanken en op de familieboerderij. In het grootste geheim probeert hij te leren zwemmen. De eerste aflevering opent met de aankomst van de allereerste bus in het dorp. Uit die bus stapt de beeldschone en koppige Martha Lane, een rol van Charlie Murphy. Vanaf dat moment zal Berts leven nooit meer hetzelfde zijn..

De camera verlaat The Village nooit. Sterfgevallen, geboortes, liefde, bedrog, grote politieke gebeurtenissen. De kijker is er allemaal getuige van in deze reeks en beziet alles vanuit de ogen van 1 man: Bert Middleton.

Deze Dvd: Episode 04 tm 06

Audio: Engels DD2.0
Subs: NL
Bewerking: Dgpc

Vertaald door marjandfbm
Gedownload van bierdopje.com

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Village is a BBC TV series written by Peter Moffat. The drama is set in a Derbyshire village in the 20th century. The first series, of what Moffat hopes will become a 42 hour TV drama, was broadcast in spring 2013 and covered the years 1914 to 1920. A second series has been confirmed for 2014 which will continue the story into the 1920s. Future series would be set in the Second World War, post war Austerity Britain, and so on.

The Village tells the story of life in a Derbyshire village through the eyes of a central character, Bert Middleton. Bert has been portrayed as a boy by Bill Jones, as a teen by Alfie Stewart, and as an old man by David Ryall. John Simm plays Berts father John Middleton, an alcoholic Peak District farmer, and Maxine Peake plays Berts mother, Grace. Peake is a preferred actress of the writer, who has called her: the best actress of her generation, and she has featured in two previous Moffat series, Criminal Justice and Silk.

Writer Peter Moffat has spoken of wanting to create a British Heimat, alluding to Edgar Reitzs epic German saga Heimat, which followed one extended family in a region of Rhineland from 1919 to 1982. Unlike Downton Abbey, this version of history is a working class history, domestics are expected to face the walls when the master walks by.

The first series was filmed in and around Hayfield, Edale, Glossop, Chapel en le Frith and Charlesworth in the Peak District, and in the grounds of Tatton Park in Cheshire, during October to December 2012.

John Simm used local historian Margaret Wombwells book Milk, Muck and Memories in his research for how the farmers from the period lived, and Moffat researched locally and at the Imperial War Museum.

On the 28th April 2013, the BBC Media Centre reported that, BBC One s critically acclaimed epic Sunday night drama, starring Maxine Peake and John Simm will return with six more episodes next year (2014).

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