<< WIN The Utility Factory FileBoss v2 515 X64 (2011)-tUsHENgPeNg
The Utility Factory FileBoss v2 515 X64 (2011)-tUsHENgPeNg
Category Applications
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 20.23 MB
Website http://www.theutilityfactory.com/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

The Ultimate 
File Manager & Toolbox

The professional file manger for everyone
FileBoss is the robust and powerful - yet easy to use - file manager that tames today's large and complex Windows' file systems.

With a large set of tools to help keep files and folders in order FileBoss is a must have for anyone who works directly with files - from avid Windows users to corporate system administrators.

FileBoss has the most complete toolset on the market today to solve most any problem you may with your files and folders.

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