<< WIN FS2004 Curacao
FS2004 Curacao
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://secure.simmarket.com/tropicalsim-tncc-curacao-intl-airport.phtml
Sender mramsterdam
Tag fs2004        
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Post Description

It's winter in the nothern hemisphere, but at TropicalSim it's summer all year round as we present you another airport in the warm waters of the Caribbean, more especifically, the Island of Curaçao in the Netherlands Antilles. Curaçao Intl' Airport has the capacity to operate large aircraft, such as KLM's 747 often seen in the airport. Flights from North and South America, the Caribbean and Europe often sees Curaçao Airport as a destination. In 2006 the new passenger terminal was completed and is faithfully portraid in this scenery.
The scenery is available in two downloads: FS9 and FSX (SP1 or SP2)
Carefully detailed 3d objects
Full night illumination
Compatible with default FSX scenery
Compatible with add-on mesh.
Compatible with add-on landclass
Compatible with add-on AI traffic.
Usage of the new FSX SDK for FSX version and FS9 SDK for FS9 version

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