<< ePub Superman - War of the Supermen (complete 0-4)
Superman - War of the Supermen (complete 0-4)
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 93.98 MB
Website http://dailycomicreview.blogspot.com/2011/05/war-of-supermen-0.html
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Superman: War of the Supermen is an American comic book limited series[6] from DC Comics that serves as the culmination to the Superman line-wide event New Krypton. The series began on Free Comic Book Day 2010, with a zero-issue released free of charge before the main limited series began the following week.

The whole event is portrayed as a "100 Minute War" in the narrative's time, although the whole event lasted one month in May 2010.[1][7] No other Superman family books were solicited that month other than Superman/Batman and Adventure Comics neither of which crosses over into the War of the Supermen.

The comic van DC: Superman!
Een complete 5 delige comic in het Engels.
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