<< DivX Voice of a Murderer aka Geu Nom Moksori 2007
Voice of a Murderer aka Geu Nom Moksori 2007
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LanguageEnglish subtitles (external)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://moviemeter.nl/film/41166
Sender falang01
Tag falang01 Asian        
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Post Description

Voice of a Murderer  2007  "Geu Nom Moksori" (Asian - Korea)

Genre: Drama / Thriller
geregisseerd door: Jin-pyo Park
�Seol Kyeong-gu as Han Kyung-bae
�Kim Nam-joo as Oh Ji-sun
�Kang Dong-won
�Kim Young-cheol
�Song Yeong-chang

Language: Korean
Subtitle: English (Soft-subbed)
Release Date: 2007

Bestaande uit CD1 en CD2 met ieder49 rar.files / 8 par2.files en srt.file (subs).


"The story is a fictionalized account of a true life event."

One day, the only son of famous news anchor, Han Kyung-bae, disappeared without a trace. Soon, the kidnapper calls the nine-year-old boy�s mother, Oh Jisun, demanding $100,000 as ransom. The police assign veteran detective Kim Wook-jung to the case and assemble a top-notch task force under his command. However, the kidnapper constantly outwits the police traps and keeps calling the parents with yet another instruction for the money drop. The only clue the police and the parents have is the kidnapper�s voice recorded on the tape; his cultured, but emotionless voice, which often gives anyone who listens goose bumps. The parents become restless and angry as days turns into weeks, and one day, when the kidnapper calls HAN Kyung-bae with another set of instructions, he turns the situation completely around and demands a direct confrontation. He starts giving instructions to the kidnapper, and�


Op een dag verdwijnt het zoontje van de beroemde nieuwslezer Han Kyung-bae zonder enig spoor. Al snel belt de kidnapper de moeder van het negenjarige kind en eist $ 100.000,-. De ervaren rechercheur Kim Wook-jung wordt op de zaak gezet en krijgt het beste materieel tot zijn beschikking om de ontvoering zo snel mogelijk te beeindigen. De ontvoerder weet echter steeds uit handen van de politie te blijven en is in staat om de ouders voortdurend telefonisch nieuwe instructies te geven. Wat de ouders tot wanhoop drijft.

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Voeg mijn "Tag" (falang01) toe, en je vind er meerdere Asian Movies in Divx met Engelse Subs.

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