<< MP3 Isao Tomita - Hidden Sword, Demon's Claw (KAKUSHI KEN ONI NO TSUME (soundtrack)
Isao Tomita - Hidden Sword, Demon's Claw (KAKUSHI KEN ONI NO TSUME (soundtrack)
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 77.35 MB
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Post Description

KAKUSHI KEN ONI NO TSUME (soundtrack) (2004)

Hidden Sword, Demon's Claw

04.10.20 cd: COCQ-83849

A new film score working again with the director of Twilight Samaurai . The CD includes a new midlength original orchestra piece, what seems to be all the contents of the Twilight Samaurai soundtrack EP and this new soundtrack. Unlinke Twilight Samaurai the new material seems to be all orchestral with no synths.


Prelude: Sunrise Time 8:43
Kie's Sister 0:47
Returning Home 2:03
Why Don't You Marry? 1:19
Thinking Of Kie 1:31
The Rebel 1:08
Destiny 1:00
Kyouma's Death 1:34
Kie's Town 0:56
Looking For Shintenchi 4:13
Requiem 1:54
Seibei's Theme 1:57
Tomoe Playing With The Children 1:55
Seibei's Decision 4:14
First Class Swordsman - Duel With yogo
Reborn Samurai 3:20

Voor de liefhebbers/verzamelaars van space/synthesizer/ambient/chillout/(oldskool)electronic music
Geen Synthesizers, maar ooooh wat een mooie soundtrack is dit toch. Ik kan hier toch intens van genieten. Echt hele mooie muziek van grootmeester Tomita.

Groet Nachtuil!!!

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