<< x264HD My 9/11 (NGC HD)
My 9/11 (NGC HD)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://natgeotv.com/za/my-911/about
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Post Description

Revisit September 11 with a collection of powerful, immersive stories of people who were intricately associated with and impacted by the event: people in the highest echelons attempting to prevent and stop the attacks; ordinary people caught in the middle; and people who still cannot shake how the events of that morning altered their worlds forever. Much of the 9/11 story is well-known: President George Bush in a schoolroom in Florida, hijackers sliding past airport security checkpoints in Boston, the brave NYC firefighters storming the World Trade Centre to save lives, and the chaos in Washington as the Pentagon lay smouldering and rumours abounded about which target would be next. But many incredible personal stories of those central to the unfolding events have yet to be heard, and those with surprising new perspectives on the day are only now ready to talk.

Spot Informatie:

REL.DATE......: 23/11-2010
SiZE..........: 1119 MB
DURATiON......: 45 Min 0 Sec
ViDEO.BiTRATE.: 3138 Kbps

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