<< Android Gingerbread 2.3.2 Samsung Galaxy S
Gingerbread 2.3.2 Samsung Galaxy S
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 447.22 MB
Website http://androidadvices.com/update-samsung-galaxy-s-i9000-to-gingerbread-android-2-3-2/#comment-1838
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Update Samsung Galaxy S I9000  Gingerbread Android 2.3.2
March 1, 2011 By Neal Pradeep 189 Comments

Finally time has come to tell you guys that Gingerbread 2.3 has arrived for Samsung Galaxy S I 9000 and you will be further happy to know that you will now be in a position to install the same on your phone effortlessly. Just read the instructions carefully before flashing your device.

Important Instructions:

1. Ensure that you are having Samsung Galaxy S GT I9000 as the firmware is only for this phone and not for any other similar phones like Captivate, mesmerize Fascinate, Epic, I 9003 etc though that might look similar.

2. Back up all your data including messages, contacts and also all the third party applications which you have either installed from Android Market Place or from any other sources.

3. It is very important to enter in the download mode before flashing the firmware in your phone, if you cannot enter into download mode then you can solve this bug from here.

4. The things which you will be needing while flashing is Samsung Galaxy S I9000 phone, micro USB cable,Odin v1.3, Gingerbread 2.3.2 Android Firmware and PIT 512 file which have to be downloaded.

5. Irrespective of whichever may be the current stock version like 2.2 or 2.2.1 or even XXJPY, XWJS3, you can update with this Gingerbread version. Also, additionally many might have installed Voodoo lag fixes in your device, so even with this you can flash your device. Also, read the instructions fully once and then proceed to flash as you will be well versed with the steps.

Alle software is in deze spot aanwezig:
Odin, PIT file en alle benodigde bestanden.
Uitpakken en aan de slag.

Heb het gisteravond geinstalleerd op m'n Galaxy S en het werkt allemaal bijzonder goed.

Het systeem is snel en voelt heel snappy aan. Helemaal top!

Moest alleen handmatig m'n mobiele internet apn configureren, maar Google helpt daar fijn bij.

Wel zou ik iedereen willen adviseren de telefooncontacten te exporteren naar Google.

Na de flash stel je je google account weer in en voila, je hebt je contacten weer werkend.

Gegevens 'Over het toestel':

Firmware versie: 2.3.2

Baseband versie: I9000XXJVE

Kernelversie: root@DELL101 #2


Na de installatie kon ik gewoon Nederlands kiezen.

Volg de handleiding in de link van deze spot.

Vragen kan je op het forum daar kwijt.

Uiteraard alles op eigen risico!

Veel plezier met Gingerbread!

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