<< WIN Lynda Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamentals DVD
Lynda Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamentals DVD
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://heroturko.org/tutorials/photoshop-photography/170169-lyndacom-photoshop-cs5-one-on-one-fundamentals-dvd.html
Sender martlinda79
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Post Description

Photoshop is the world?s most powerful image editor, and it?s arguably the most complex, as well. Fortunately, nobody knows the program like award-winning book and video author Deke McClelland. Join Deke as he explores such indispensable Photoshop features as resolution, cropping, color correction, retouching, and layers. Gain expertise with real-world projects that make sense. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:

* Assembling photorealistic compositions
* Understanding image size and resolution
* Correcting the brightness and color of images
* Creating accurate selection outlines
* Retouching and healing photos
* Mastering layers and effects
* Printing and exporting to the web

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