<< WIN ThumbsPlus Pro 10 SP1 Build 4010
ThumbsPlus Pro 10 SP1 Build 4010
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 9 months
Size 55.17 MB
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Website http://www.cerious.com/release_notes10sp1.shtml
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Post Description

ThumbsPlus Pro is a complex software tool developed specifically to help individuals view and easily navigate through all photos on your computer, as well as edit them and their metadata, and assign keywords. ThumbsPlus includes access to Facebook photos (your albums and friends' albums), enhancements to Python scripting support, improved image metadata (XMP, EXIF and IPTC) handling, improved client/server database compatibility, performance improvements, and more.

Cluttered, yet modern UI
The installation process does not last long and does not bring any kind of surprises. Once you wrap it up, you are greeted by a modern and a bit cluttered interface. It consists of a menu bar, several shortcut buttons, and a few panels to let you preview images, display a folder structure, thumbnails and metadata. However, both power and novice users can still find their way around it, as there are also some extensive Help contents you can read when you reach a dead end.

Manage, edit and convert photos
This software tool enables you to upload TPDB8S and MDB databases, and you can also browse the contents of your hard drive, with the help of the built-in tree view. Moreover, you can perform managing actions such as moving or copying items to another location on the hard drive, renaming several of them at a time, assigning them keywords or tags, go to containing directory, copy file name, keywords, thumbnails and image to the Clipboard, e-mail, print or delete them.

When it comes to editing, you can adjust colors, their depth and balance levels, you can invert colors, view histograms, insert stamps and watermarks, photos can be resized, cropped and rotated. Pictures can be acquired from a scanner or camera, in one of the formats supported (BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, RAW, TGA, TIF, WMF etc.) and in a custom location on the hard. Moreover, you can use a search function, view items as a slideshow and quickly convert files from one format to another.

OS : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008-2012 R2. Note: The Windows Desktop Experience component is required on Server 2008-2012.
Language : English

Important bug fixes:

Fixed initial position of some dialog box to follow the selected location from Options - Preferences - General.
Fixed rare crash or memory errors that could occur when viewing in Report mode, or viewing keywords in the thumbnail view.
Eliminated several rare crashes that could occur during program startup and shutdown.
Corrected an issue in build 4009 that caused dragging files to sometimes fail.
Renaming a folder using the context menu (right-click) would sometimes position to the last folder selected, rather than the currently-pointed-to folder.
Fixed crash when creating contact sheet or catalog with no selected files.
Fixed occasional display of "code does not validate" when code is correct.
Fixed rare crash when thumbnails saved in LZH format were invalid or corrupted.
Fixed ability to run on Windows XP SP3 (minimal support).
Fixed several crashes that could occur during ThumbsPlus shutdown.
Changed compile options for 32-bit DCRAW.EXE so that it no longer is erroneously detected by F-Secure as possible malware. (Removed option that compiled without stack frames.)
Fixed "Date Taken" not initialized in Preferences - Thumb View.
Fixed expandable branches (+/-) not showing correctly on Vista or XP.
Image - Build Slide Show now creates a working slide show executable.
Fixed positioning of color picker pop-up so that it stays within monitor bounds.
Fixed a failure of Thumbnail - Scan Folder to make thumbnails for folders when there were only sub-folders (and no other files) in the current folder.
Fixed append to XMP comments (and other x-lang fields).
Displays error messages when specific XMP field updates fail.
Displays error messages when file is in use by other processes during XMP update, precluding updates to metadata (occurs occasionally when cloud files are being uploaded; i.e., Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Retries for up to 1/2 second before displaying the error.
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when closing T+ when the file list is refreshing.
Fixed problem during starting which could cause random hangs or weird operation, especially when Remember all opened folders is selected in Options - Preferences - Startup.
Reduced number of expanded folders to save for startup from 500 to 250 when the option is checked in Options - Preferences - Startup.
Fixed a problem wherein the initial folder at program startup was the last folder right-clicked, rather than the folder that was open when closing ThumbsPlus..
Fixed count of files for thread and other progress displays when displaying folders in the thumbnail view. This fixes the progress percent going above 100% in nearly all cases.
Fixed an issue that could cause ThumbsPlus to hang for a few seconds when several background tasks were quickly creating or removing thumbnails.
Updated Help - System Info and the tptechlog to properly recognize Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
Fixed a main window pane focus problem when pane(s) were floated outside the main window (see image). This was especially noticeable if you dragged the main Thumbnail pane to a separate window.
Fixed a problem where the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons on the main window would not work when panels were floated (see prior note).
Fixed several XMP/EXIF lookup fields to properly display text rather than numeric value (e.g., Sharpness, Saturation, Contrast, Scene Type, and Scene Capture Type).
Made several improvements to internal memory handling (both for speed and usage).
Fixed problem with thumbnail rotations (Thumbnail - Orient) being applied twice during the slide show.
Fixed a crash when saving 16-bit grayscale images as Jpeg or other types that don't support 16-bit images.
When the preferred dialog position was set to top left in Options - Viewing - Window, ThumbsPlus was centering them instead.
Fixed a failure to update the Thumbnail pane after removing thumbnails from folder.

User interface changes:

Added Main Window Dialog Position to Options - Preferences - General.
Fixed initial locations of some main window dialogs to properly locate based on preferences.
Fixed not graying Render Alpha menu option when non-alpha image.
Improved appearance and utility of Help - Program Updates.
Fixed initial folder selected when browsing to select a folder.
Fixed move/copy a file during slide show would bring the main ThumbsPlus window to the front.
Maximum view window zoom increased to 128X.
Added hard-coded zooms Ctrl+1,2,... to 10%, 20%, etc.
Improved readability of the Metadata panel by setting the default to Use thumbnail colors everywhere in Options - Customize - Colors. If you're upgrading, I recommend enabling this option, or clicking Use defaults.
Added an option in Options - Preferences - Confirmations for the confirmation of File - Delete to default to Yes, to match Windows Explorer behavior. The default for deleting folders default remains No for safety.
In Options - Customize, I changed the customization category of several command from Clipboard to Edit, to match where they are on the main menu. Renamed the Clipboard category to Clipboard Copy. I also moved Tag and Untag Thumbnail to the Thumbnail category, as they were misplaced in Edit. (In the future, I will reduce the number of categories and disambiguate some ambiguous commands!)
Changed the default for overwriting files during Image - Batch Process and Thumbnail - Export to be Yes, to match default Windows behavior.
Fixed the height of the Metadata toolbar to match the heights of the Location and Thumbnail View toolbars.
Fixed the File toolbar in the View window to be customizable.
Cleaned up the database history in the Database - Open flyout menu to remove duplicates, sort by most recent, and check the currently-opened database.
File - Properties wasn't always showing the proper file size for files larger than 4 GB.
Made File - Copy and File - Move menu flyouts only add the special folders specified in Options - Proferences - Disks and Folders. Also made the names consistent with what shows in the main folder tree.
Thumbnail - Remove - From Folder was not updating the thumbnail view.
The Image - Color Adjust and Image - Color Depth dialogs did not have titles.
Added File - Close Others to the view window menu (to close all other windows besides the current one).
Moved Repair and Compact from Database - Advanced to the main Database menu.
Added Database - Advanced - Move Thumbnails to Files to make the process easier (in earlier versions you had to type several Python commands).
Fixed several blank dialog box captions (Color Depth, Ad

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