<< WMV Bangbus: Care For Some Cigarrettes? (18-08-2010)
Bangbus: Care For Some Cigarrettes? (18-08-2010)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://bangbus.com/t3/pps=comein/trailers/bb7140-care-for-some-cigarrettes.html
Sender rolo123
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Title: Care For Some Cigarrettes? 
Added:Wednesday August 18, 2010

Update summary:

Hey ladies and gentlemen, preston here bringing you this weeks bangbus update and boy is it a good one...we bring in a new face into the bus to try and help this kid get some ass..get this his name is "buddy" lol anyway we are cruisin down the grove and we spot this hot mama and as we get to it..we realize she is not a local as a matter of fact she sounds Russian and guess what i was right on point with my guess..so we tell her to come chill with us..ofcourse shes a little skeptical at first but as soon as i bring out the cash she cant say no...so in she comes and let me tell you this girl turned into straight hustler with us but w/e i had to do what to do to get this kid some ass and he did his thing with the broad..i hope you guys enjoy the update..STAY TUNED!

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