<< FLAC Michael Ruff - Once In A Lifetime
Michael Ruff - Once In A Lifetime
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://amazon.com/Once-Lifetime-Michael-Ruff/dp/B00001ZU8J
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Collecters item, kost 2e hands bij Amazon 89$. 

In de jaren 80 werd dit door de audiofielen als standaardwerk uitgeroepen, dit klinkt dus erg goed zelfs voor een album uit 1984 !


Michael Ruff"s first album was released on Warner Bros. in 1984. I have been searching for this CD since that time and finally it"s there. It shows Michael"s remarkable talent to write and play both ballads and uptempo songs. It has the first (and definitely not last but best) version of "More than You"ll Ever Know" a song Michael seems to repeat on almost every album. The musicians are top-notch. Overall, this is my favourite MR-album. Buy it! It"s a shame WB did not release more MR stuff which would have made it a whole lot easier to obtain his records.

Michael Ruff - 1984 - Once In A Lifetime
01 - Walkin´ With Somebody
02 - Hometown
03 - Let Her Stay
04 - Love Go Round
05 - Once In A Lifetime
06 - Don´t Ever Say Goodbye
07 - Ariel
08 - Dedication
09 - More Than You´ll Ever Know

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