<< Android DeaDBeeF Pro v1.15 Pro Met de Plugins Pack v1.4
DeaDBeeF Pro v1.15 Pro Met de Plugins Pack v1.4
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 3.86 MB
Website https://market.android.com/details?id=org.deadbeefpro.android&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm9yZy5kZWFkYmVlZnByby5hbmRyb2lkIl0.
Sender Coolhof (4KrNNw)                
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Post Description

Player which can play many file formats + online radio (shoutcast)

this is a Pro version (without ads)


. multiple playlists
. equalizer with 10 bands and presets
. gapless playback
. viewing music file tags and album art
. replaygain
. shuffle tracks and shuffle albums mode
. works with folders
. last.fm scrobbling
. plays many file formats - mp3, ogg, aac/mp4, flac, ape, wv, wav, tta, mpc, sid, mod, s3m, nsf and more
. loads cuesheets
. online streaming radio (shoutcast/icecast)
. full unicode support and charset detection
. 4x1 widget
. displaying music file tags

KNOWN ISSUES: HTC android 2.1 has a bug in foreground service code, which leads to unfixable stuttering / skipping in music playback.


phone state & identity permission is used to detect when a user accepts incoming call, to stop playback

sdcard access permission is used to store playlists and configuration files

internet access is for radio streaming

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