<< x264HD World""s Toughest Fixes: Mass Transit (National Geographic)
World""s Toughest Fixes: Mass Transit (National Geographic)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=World%5C%5C%5C%27s+Toughest+Fixes%3A+Mass+Transit+%28National+Geographic%29
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Post Description

Riley buys a ticket and joins the crowd in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US. A million commutersâ&#128;¦ scurrying to and from workâ&#128;¦ Itâ&#128;&#153;s a typical day in the fifth largest mass transit system in the USâ&#128;¦ and thereâ&#128;&#153;s a train due somewhere every few seconds. Behind the scenes, the action is even more frantic as thousands of workers struggle to keep this huge system up and running 24/7. Transit controllers, operators, mechanics, electricians, communications expertsâ&#128;¦ all working to monitor, co-ordinate and repair the thousands of trains, buses and trolleys that make up this incredibly complex transport matrix.

SiZE..........: 1.09 GB
DURATiON......: 46 Min 54 Sec
ViDEO.BiTRATE.: 3002 Kbps

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