<< DVD5 Testament van de Sixties dvd 2
Testament van de Sixties dvd 2
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://re-played.com/testament-sixties-10cd5dvdboek-p-14867.html
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DVD 2:
Tom Jones: It's not unusual - Roy Orbison: Oh pretty woman - Interview: Roy Orbison - TV: Kapitein Zeppos - Unit 4 + 2: Concrete and clay - Nieuws: Verloving prinses Beatrix en Claus - Sam the Sham & the Paraohs: Wooly bully - TV: The Untouchables - The Byrds: Mr. Tambourine Man - Interview: Sonny & Cher - Sonny & Cher: Little Man - TV: De Wrekers - Christophe: Aline - Nieuws: Langste brug in Europa, in Zeeland over Oosterschelde, open - Chris Andrews: Yesterday Man - Interview: Dave Berry - Dave Berry: This strange effect - Interview: Jan Cremer - Stevie Wonder: Uptight (Everything's alright) - TV: AVRO's Sportpanorama - Sport: Kees Verkerk wereldkampioen schaatsen - Nancy Sinatra: These boots are made for walking - Nieuws: Prinses Beatrix & Claus trouwen in onrustig Amsterdam - Crispian St. Peters: You were on my mind - Simon & Garfunkel: Homeward bound - TV: Wim Sonneveld - The Beach Boys: Sloop John B. - Interview: Pete Townshend - The Who: Substitute - TV: Achter Het Nieuws - Nieuws: Demonstratie tegen Vietnam oorlog - Boudewijn de Groot: Welterusten mijnheer de president - Interview: Boudewijn de Groot: The Fortunes: Here It Comes Again - James Brown: It's a man's, man's, man's world - TV: De Verrekijker: - Ferre Grignard: Ring ring I've got to sing - TV: Swiebertje - The Lovin' Spoonful: Summer in the city

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