<< HD Oth Dancing Bear - BJ Bonanza
Dancing Bear  - BJ Bonanza
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Category Image
FormatHD other
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dancingbear.com
Sender Alex De Lange
Tag DancingBear        
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Post Description

Women are crazy. I'm not really sure what else to say. But after watching this video I'm convinced. When you get a huge ratio of horny women in a room vs naked male strippers, THE SHIT GOES DOWN! It's like these women turn on their survival instinct but instead of needing to eat food they have to suck dick! It was an awesome night and everyone had a blast, the women and the guys. I think when the girls see another with cum on their face they get a bit jealous.. Seriously, check it out.

Dancing Bear: mannelijlke strippers + losgeslagen vrouwen = altijd party.

Formaat: HD 1280 * 720, mp4.

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