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IMAX Space Station:
For those of us without $20 million to spend on a tourist trip to the International Space Station, a much less expensive alternative has now appeared. In 2002, the IMAX movie, "Space Station" was released to theaters across the country. Now you can enjoy a trip to the ISS without leaving your home as "Space Station" is now out on DVD.
Using a specially-designed IMAX camera that spent 337 days aboard the station--along with a second camera residing in the shuttle's cargo bay--over 69,000 feet (13 miles) of footage was obtained. The film captured everything from the initial launch and construction of ISS, along with what it is like to live aboard the station and work outside, with the Earth spinning by at 17,500 mph and 200 miles below.
IMAX To the Limit:
This movie is an IMAX documentary about how the human body can be pushed to the limit. This movie takes full-advantage of the IMAX experience by incredible shots on location such as a rock outcrop being scaled by a climber and a skier racing down a ski slope. Equally impressive are the footage sequences INSIDE the human body. You will "fly-through" the lungs, the heart, and its mainy blood vessels. In the future this film might become dated with new bio-medical films or specials. But they will not match the cinematography experience that this film format displays on the subject matter. So sit back and enjoy the "ride"
Bron: HD TV
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