<< TUX Dyne 2.5.2 Radio station
Dyne 2.5.2 Radio station
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
GenreMedia players
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dynebolic.org/
Sender dick51
Tag Dick51        
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Dyne 2.5.2 Radio station

dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is a live bootable distribution working directly from
the CD without the need to install or change anything on harddisk. It can
recognize most of your hardware devices and offers a vast range of
softwares for sound and video production, streaming, 3d modeling, peer to
peer and filesharing, deejaying, veejaying and more.

This operating system focuses on providing multimedia functionalities to
surf, stream, record, edit, encode and broadcast both sound and video; it
also overcomes usual installation problems by providing an easy way to run
from harddisk without repartitioning, but just copying a directory
(docking), thus avoiding any risk of data loss and preserving the
integrity of other systems you are already using.

dyne:bolic it is made by and shaped on the needs of media activists,
artists and creatives to stimulate the production and not only the
fruition of digital and analog informations. Empowered by GNU/Linux and
the groovy open source software community, this operating system takes
birth as a grassroot effort to spread free software and the spirit of
sharing informations.

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