<< MAC Turmoil v1 1 0 349 MacOSX MULTi10-OUTLAWS
Turmoil v1 1 0 349 MacOSX MULTi10-OUTLAWS
Category Games
Date 7 years, 9 months
Size 47.52 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website http://store.steampowered.com/app/361280/?l=dutch
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

|        /     GAME ........ Turmoil v1.1.0.349                      
| / DEVELOPER ... Gamious
| \ DATE ........ 12/03/2017
| \ DISKS ....... 05x10.00MB
|_________\ PROTECTION .. Custom
RiPPED ...... Nothing
GENRE ....... GAME
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Turmoil offers players a visually charming, tongue-in-cheek take on
the simulation genre inspired by the 19th century oil rush in North
America. Get a taste of the rush and rivalry of the time as you earn
your way to become a successful oil entrepreneur. As you make money
digging up and selling oil, the town will grow along with you.

- A campaign where you build your rags-to-riches oil baron career and
beat your rivals.

- Dozens of upgrades and new tools to improve your oil mining

- Meet the town's characters in the saloon and make shady business

- Play single game mode to get one of literally millions of
procedurally generated levels and earn as much as you can in one

- Lease land at the town auction and search for oil using a dowser,
mole or scanner.

- Maximize your profits by using natural gas to boost the oil price.

URL: http://www.gamious.com

If you like the game, support the developers and buy it!

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--Mijn Spots--

Ik Spot slechts alleen en upload dus niks.

Er is maar 1 echte ThePingPong!
Dat zie id CX3x2g.
Als je dit een andere ID is dan negeren en blacklisten!

Veel plezier van deze Spot! Vind je mijn Spots niks dan heb je lekker pech!

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