<< ePub Marvel Captain America - Reborn Comic (complete 0-6)
Marvel Captain America - Reborn Comic (complete 0-6)
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 142.72 MB
Website http://marvel.com/reborn/
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Post Description

Everyone knows the story of the Death of Captain America, how Steve Rogers was struck down on the steps of a New York courthouse and how the American Dream died that day. But now there may be a way to bring back the World?s Greatest Hero and it begins this July in CAPTAIN AMERICA: REBORN #1. Get your first look at the exclusive Marvel.com trailer for the biggest comic book event of the year as the original Captain America returns!

Alle zes de comics uit deze korte Marvel Captain America serie, inclusief de prelude.
Totaal zes .cbr/.cbz comics in het Engels.
Met dank aan de originele scanners!

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