<< WIN SoftMaker - Office Professional 2012 rev 652 (2011)-tUshEnGPEnG
SoftMaker - Office Professional 2012 rev 652 (2011)-tUshEnGPEnG
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 331.6 MB
Website http://www.softmaker.com/english/ofw_en.htm
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

SoftMaker Office 2012. Your new office suite.
Choose SoftMaker Office 2012 as your office suite, and you will get the job done in less time and with better results. SoftMaker Office is reliable, powerful, fast, and easy to use.

Compatible with Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, and more.
To be useful in the real world, an office suite needs to be compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

SoftMaker Office 2012 fills this requirement competently: It not only works seamlessly with the old Microsoft DOC, XLS, and PPT formats, but also faithfully reads and writes files in the new DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX formats that have been introduced withMicrosoft Office 2007 and 2010.

You will not find any other office suite that renders documents in all these Microsoft Office formats as faithfully as SoftMaker Office 2012.

--||* Goed alternatief voor het topzware Microsoft Office pakket.... *||--

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