<< WIN Windows 10 TP Enterprise Build 10041 Pirate 2015 v1.1 NL (32 Bit) by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
Windows 10 TP Enterprise Build 10041 Pirate 2015 v1.1 NL (32 Bit) by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2015
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 9 years, 10 months
Size 2.63 GB
Website http://www.wicked4all.info
Sender DenSpike (atG0GQ)                
Tag Unattended4All        
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Post Description

Weer een nieuwe Build uitgekomen, het is nog steeds de Technical Previeuw! De RTM komt 
waarschijnlijk deze zomer in de winkels te liggen.

Microsoft release a new build of the Windows 10 Technical Preview, which is build number 10041.
Just a few days ago, they promised to ramp up the builds, which have been stagnant since the
January release. I have been running that build on my main computer since it was released, and
several bugs have lingered which I kept hoping would be sorted out with a new build. Unfortunately it
took almost two months to get a new build, and it is too early to see if some of the bugs have been
sorted out.

For those in the Insider Program, if your computer is in the “Fast” ring for Technical Preview
updates, you can get this update through Windows Update. Microsoft will not be providing ISO files
for fast ring builds, but will continue to provide ISO files for slow ring builds. There is no update yet
on when the next slow ring build will be though.

Fast ring updates should be coming out much quicker now, so for those that want a more stable
machine, the slow ring may be the safer bet. Microsoft is hoping to have at least one or two new
builds per month. Due to the frequency increase, we may not give a full breakdown on changes
unless a new feature emerges which needs some discussion.

The one big feature that was supposed to be in the “next” build was the new Spartan web browser,
however some technical hurdles with the code have prevented this for build 10041, although we are
promised it for the next round. For those that have missed it, Spartan is a new branch of Internet
Explorer, which keeps some of the components but ejects a lot of the legacy code in an attempt to
have a leaner, faster browser. Early results from the new ECMAScript engine were promising, with
results that are comparable to Chrome. It will be the default browser in Windows 10, with Internet
Explorer being moved to the background for enterprises which rely on its features only. As with
previous builds, some of the new Spartan capabilities can be tested from within Internet Explorer

Wat heb ik gewijzigd in deze Windows:

*setupscreens zijn aangepast
*bureaublad achtergrond is aangepast
*lockscreen is aangepast
*Ook heb ik een map toegevoegd met hd Pirate Wallpapers, deze kun je selecteren bij persoonlijke
*Deze Windows wordt permanent geactveerd door de KMSpico v10.0.4 Stable
*Deze windows kun je via Windows Update gewoon updaten
*Tweaks toegepast voor een snelle en stabiele werking van het systeem

Waar vind ik Windows Update?
Ga naar start /instellingen /Bijwerken en herstellen /Windows Update en selecteer naar updates
zoeken, nu kun je de updates binnenhalen, je kunt hier ook je instellingen wijzigen als je dat wilt
onder Geavanceerd!

Na installatie staat er een tooltje op je bureaublad om het watermerk te verwijderen,zet een vinkje bij
"Remove All Watermark" maar let op het verwijderen duurt vrij lang dus houd daar rekening mee aub

Er hoeft geen product key ingevoerd te worden

Brand de iso op een dvd5 of mount naar usb, tooltje wordt meegeleverd

64 Bit=> SHA1: 2a28802f7b0b2e925f1e39d0d31bd4e22a1928d3
32 Bit=> SHA1: b9dbf83e1e2f349dd50bd7798e5ebc8d601347a1

Den Spike

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