<< MP3 High Tide - Sea Shanties
High Tide - Sea Shanties
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High Tide - Sea Shanties

One of the most important underground hard rock band from Britain and also a very influential group , although they never managed much commercial success. Their sound in their two historical album can be likened to BLUE CHEER or STEPPENWOLF ( but with lenghty improvisations in some tracks) and is sometimes mentioned as one of the first example of Heavy Metal music , some progheads on this site even going as far as citing them as the grandfather of Prog Metal.

The Original line-up was a quartet consisting of a superb singing guitarist , A violinist sometimes playing KBs and a good rhythm section. After the second album"s release , their drummer left for health reason , and HIGH TIDE did not release another album for some 18 years although they still recorded aopparently fairly regularly with an unstable permanent line-up with Tomlin, Theaker , House and Pavli coming and going almost at will, the only mainstay being Tony Hill. Starting in 88, they will release seven records in a span of three yearts , very confused affairs with tracks from all those lost years appearing on different records and no clear recording dates given. Apparently they played together until 1990 , and their latest release is yet another mixed-bag of tracks from all eras released on Black Widow label in 98, but with recording dates at last clearly mentioned .

HIGH TIDE is a highly influential underground band likely to please all Prog Metal fans looking for roots of their beloved music style.

Studio Album, released in 1969

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Futilist"s Lament (5:17)
2. Death Warmed Up (9:08)
3. Pushed, But Not Forgotten (4:43)
4. Walkin Down Their Outlook (4:58)
5. Missing Out (9:38)
6. Nowhere (5:54)

Bonus tracks on 2006 remastered edition:
7. The Great Universal Protection Racket (11:24)
8. Dilemma (5:14)
9. Death Warmed Up (demo) (7:35)
10. Pushed, But Not Forgotten (demo) (4:01)
11. Time Gauges (6:24)

Line-up / Musicians
- Roger Hadden / drums
- Tony Hill / guitar, vocals
- Simon House / violin, programming, piano
- Peter Pavli / bass

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