<< WIN FS2004 Cook Islands
FS2004 Cook Islands
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://secure.simmarket.com/rbe-cook-islands.phtml
Sender mramsterdam
Tag fs2004        
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Post Description

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean lies a gem that has as yet been spared of mass tourism - the Cook Islands. While providing plenty of scenic beauty and variety, it's not packed with tourists like French Polynesia or Fiji, and this island group has a reputation of being in 'insider' holiday location. This scenery package enables you to book a virtual trip to this truly remarkable place and do some exploring with an aircraft of your own choice.
Like most other Pacific Islands, the default scenery consists of green patches in the ocean. After installing this package, you can experience rugged volcanic islands covered in lush green bush and beautiful atoll rings surrounding lagoons scattered with little islands. This scenery is based on highly detailed digital data, which isn't available from any other source. Included are detailed coastlines with sandy beaches, accurate road networks made from coral, detailed elevation meshes, and accurate landclasses for showing villages, orchards, and vegetation.
Another main feature of this package is the inclusion of all nine existing airstrips in the Cooks, at correct mapped locations and with correct layouts. Also included are two decommissioned airstrips to provide even more landing possibilities. This means that almost all islands can be visited by land planes. This package also includes 3D objects such as huts, hotel complexes, churches, and the main power station.
To provide a greater variety for flying, this package includes four realistic weather scenarios. These include dominant and typical weather patterns, such as easterly trade winds and even a cyclone scenario.
Included are also seven adventures which allow you to explore the Cooks.
These adventures are based on realistic scenarios, such as black pearl farming, treasure hunting, and search and rescue after a cyclone disaster.
This scenery package should be attractive to flight simmers who like a high degree of accuracy and enjoy virtual flights that are as close to real world operations as possible. Most airstrips in the Cooks are made from coral and only have rudimentary services. Most of them support heavy prop machines, but not necessarily heavy jets. This scenery is perfect for simmers that enjoy exploring remote scenery

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