<< PS Sheep PS1 PAL
Sheep PS1 PAL
Category Games
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 530.32 MB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/sheep/ps-15060
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

Centuries ago intergalactic explorers came to Earth to study human society. However, the grazing and warm sun caused them to forget their mission and they become domesticated we know them as Sheep. Now, an evil scientist wants to use sheep DNA to take control of humanity. You take the role of a Shepard, and its your task to herd all of the sheep and get them to the spaceship that will take them back to their home planet. Youll have your hands full with 16 levels of intense action. But this is not just a matter of collecting the sheep and getting them to follow you. Walking up to a sheep will make it move, shouting will make all of the sheep scatter, and sneaking will allow you to grab a member of the herd to throw. Getting through all of the stages requires brains, not brawn, in Sheep.

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