<< MP3 Slade Collection 1973-2009 (70 Albums + 1 Videoclip)
Slade Collection 1973-2009 (70 Albums + 1 Videoclip)
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 10.84 GB
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->-> SPOT - SPOT - SPOT <-<-

Op het moment van spotten is de post 8 dagen oud.

Compilations...................................... ..........
1973 - Sladest (Polydor, 837 103-2, 1993)
1985 - Crackers! The Christmass Party Album (Castle, CCSCD 401, 1993)
1990 - The Story of Slade 2Cd
1991 - Wall Of Hits
1997 - Feel The Noize (Universal UICY-2593, Japan)
1997 - Slade-Feel The Noize Greatest Hits
2000 - Golden Collection
2000 - The Genesis Of Slade (1964-1966)
2002 - Cum On Let's Party
2003 - Singles Collection, 3CD
2004 - Get Yer Boot:X-XML: s On
2005 - The Very Best of Slade
2006 - The Anthology-1969 - 1991, 4CD (SALVO BX 401, 2006)
2007 - B-Sides, 2CD(SALVO DCD 203, 2007)
2007 - Collection 1979 - 1987, 2CD (SALVO, 2007)
2007 - In For A Penny - Raves & Faves (SHOUT, US)
2009 - Merry Xmas Everybody Party Hits (Universal)
------ - 12' Versions
Live (Inclu de nodige Bootlegs)......................................... .....
1972 - Alive! (Polydor 841 114-2, 1991)
1972 - Live At BBC, 2CD (Salvo DCD 211, 2009)
1972 - Watch Out! Here Cum T'Nutz(Bootleg Uitvoering We Are All Crazy)
1972 - We Are All Crazy
1973 - Live In Sheffield
1973 - The Sweet & Slade - Rock Concert
1974 - Live In The Big Easy( New Orleans)
1975 - Live In London
1976 - Slade In Showplace
1976 - St Paul Civic Centre
1978 - Alive! vol. 2 (Polydor 849 179-2, 1993)
1978 - Live In Lincoln
1980 - Alive At Reading
19:X-XML: 80 - Alive At Reading-->> Ep
1981 - Live in lochem festival
1981 - Slade - Nottingham Rock City 16.12.81
1982 - On Stage (RCA)
2003 - Short Hair (Live At BBC 1970 - 1973)
2007 - Slade-Live (The Mail On Sunday)
2009 - The Live Anthology 1972 - 1982, 2CD (Salvo DCD 201, 2006)
1969 - Beginnings (Polydor, 849 185-2)
1970 - Play It Loud (Polydor, 849 178-2, EU)
1972 - Slayed ( Japan 1st press POCP-2174, 1991)
1972 - Slayed (Polydor, 849 180-2, EU)
1974 - In Flame (Polydor, 849 182-2, 1991)
1974 - Old, New, Borrowed & Blue (Polydor, 849 181-2)
1976 - Nobody's Fools (Polydor, 849 183-2, 1991)
1977 - Whatever Happened To Slade (Polydor, 849 184-2, 1991)
1981 - Til Deaf Do Us Part (Castle, CLACD 415, EU)
1981 - Well Bring The House Down (Castle, CLACD 418, EU)
1983 - The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome (Castle:X-XML: , CLACD 381, EU)
1984 - Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply (CBS, US)
1985 - Rogues Gallery (RCA, PD 70604)
1987 - You Boyz Make Big Noize (CBS, ZK 40908)
1994 - Keep On Rockin!
Remaster.......................................... .
1969-70 - Beginnings & Play It Loud (SALVO CD 001)
1970 - Play It Loud (AIRAC-1300, Japan, 2006)
1972 - Slayed (SALVO CD 002, 2006)
1974 - In Flame (AIRAC-1304, Japan, 2006)
1974 - In Flame (SALVO CD 004, 2007)
1974 - Old, New, Borrowed & Blue (SALVO CD 003, 2006)
1976 - Nobody's Fools (AIRAC-1305, Japan, 2006)
1976 - Nobody's Fools (SALVO CD 005, 2007)
1977 - Whatever Happened To Slade (SALVO CD 006, 2007)
1979 - Return to base... Slade (BMG 74321 44303 2, EU, 1997)
1981 - Til Deaf Do Us Part (SALVO CD 008, 2007)
1981 - Till Deaf Do Us Part (AIRAC-1310, Japan, 2007)
1981 - We'll Bring The House Down (SALVO CD 007, :X-XML: 2007)
1983 - The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome (SALVO CD 009, 2007)
1985 - Rogues Gallery (AIRAC- 1313, Japan, 2007)
1985 - Rogues Gallery (SALVO CD 010, 2007)
1987 - You Boyz Make Big Noize (SALVO CD 011, 2007)
Live In Voorburg (1973) (10Min)

Category : Sound
Format : MP3
Files : 14 Files
Size : 10.46 GB

Thanks to the Poster

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