<< WIN 789TEN - The LOOPERS Producer Pack
789TEN - The LOOPERS Producer Pack
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 4 months
Size 1.54 GB
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Post Description

The LOOPERS producer pack is brimming with fresh modern sounds and techniques used in his past and upcoming tracks.

The producer pack comes with essential LOOPERS techniques, pristine sounds, and a surprising bonus.

Tutorial: In this HD tutorial, learn first hand from LOOPERS production tips and tricks as he makes a track from the beginning. Follow along as the tutorial is done mostly with samples and presets provided to you in the producer pack, there is a small section at the end of the tutorial when he experiments with some samples from splice. Starting from the ground up LOOPERS starts with the groove, and from there builds out a full drop. He then jumps into the breaks and build ups. Watch every decision he makes on the spot, and follow along every step of the way with the sample and preset choice and the manipulation of sounds using his go to effects. A wide range of topics are covered along the way, including but not limited to:

- Assembling the LOOPERS mastering chain (also included as a preset rack for FL)

- Sound layering

- Bassline sound selection, writing, manipulation and processing

- Making classic LOOPERS fills

- extensive Eqing the LOOPERS WAY

- building tension

Serum Library: The essential LOOPERS sound bank. HUGE! This contains LOOPERS’ go to sounds from the releases you’ve heard in the past couple years, and will hear in upcoming releases. This library is truly signature and one of a kind; this preset pack sets a new standard of quality for sound banks across the web.

Sample Pack: An exclusive selection of sounds designed by LOOPERS that has quickly become a new office favourite for the 789ten team. A selection of premium sounds that kickstart inspiration and add groove, texture, and body to your track.

FL Project File: Contains everything from the tutorial except a select few sounds that came from other sample packs. All LOOPERS synth patches, processing, and 789ten samples are available and ready for use.

BONUS: Signature LOOPERS FL Studio mastering rack provided in the project file to beef your track up to the professional standard of modern dance music.

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