<< DivX David Bowie Cracked Actor 2013
David Bowie Cracked Actor 2013
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 809.14 MB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01rt50j
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Post Description

To mark David Bowie's comeback album and a new exhibition at the V&A, Alan 
Yentob looks back at his legendary 1975 documentary, Cracked Actor. The film
follows Bowie during the Diamond Dogs tour of 1974.

Alan Yentob says "I'd caught him at what was an intensely creative time, but it
was also physically and emotionally gruelling. Our encounters tended to take
place in hotel rooms in the early hours of the morning or in snatched
conversations in the back of limousines. He was fragile and exhausted, but also
prepared to open up and talk in a way he had never really done before."

Cracked Actor has become one of the classic rock documentaries of all time,
remaining an enduring influence on generations of Bowie fans.

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